CNS Anticancer Drug Discovery and Development Conference White Paper.

TitleCNS Anticancer Drug Discovery and Development Conference White Paper.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsLevin, VA, Tonge, PJ, Gallo, JM, Birtwistle, MR, Dar, AC, Iavarone, A, Paddison, PJ, Heffron, TP, Elmquist, WF, Lachowicz, JE, Johnson, TW, White, FM, Sul, J, Smith, QR, Shen, W, Sarkaria, JN, Samala, R, Wen, PY, Berry, DA, Petter, RC
JournalNeuro Oncol
Volume17 Suppl 6
Date Published2015 Nov

Following the first CNS Anticancer Drug Discovery and Development Conference, the speakers from the first 4 sessions and organizers of the conference created this White Paper hoping to stimulate more and better CNS anticancer drug discovery and development. The first part of the White Paper reviews, comments, and, in some cases, expands on the 4 session areas critical to new drug development: pharmacological challenges, recent drug approaches, drug targets and discovery, and clinical paths. Following this concise review of the science and clinical aspects of new CNS anticancer drug discovery and development, we discuss, under the rubric "Accelerating Drug Discovery and Development for Brain Tumors," further reasons why the pharmaceutical industry and academia have failed to develop new anticancer drugs for CNS malignancies and what it will take to change the current status quo and develop the drugs so desperately needed by our patients with malignant CNS tumors. While this White Paper is not a formal roadmap to that end, it should be an educational guide to clinicians and scientists to help move a stagnant field forward.

Alternate JournalNeuro-oncology
PubMed ID26403167
PubMed Central IDPMC4581696
Grant ListP30 CA016672 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01 GM102864 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
R01 GM104184 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
U54 CA112967 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States